Urban Gardening with Limited Resources

One of the top reasons I often get why city folks cannot  or do not have a garden when speaking about urban gardening is  the lack of resources - funds, access to garden materials, time, space or ground space. Here are ways that one  can start their urban garden even with the above reasons:

1. Waste garden - use a large plastic or tin can as a "temporary" compost bin. Find something flat & heavy to cover it for the mean time.This will serve as container for all your biodegradable wastes: kitchen refuse, fruit & vegetable peels/seeds, leftover food, paper or board packaging, old newspapers or textbooks. Place the bin outside  of your home, as much as possible and make it a point to place torn waste paper sheets after watering the bin, daily, before covering it. In a few days or a couple of weeks, just as long as you religiously throw your fruit peels and refuse, something green will pop up, it will probably be a fruit tree seedling or a vegetable!
2. Make a shovel from a shampoo, or coke bottle.
3. Scoop that green thing with all the other gooey things beneath it (roots!) using your upcycled shovel, and transfer it in another container. No soil? No problem. Use all the gooey stuff you have in that compost bin of yours if needed. Just don't forget to top it up with more bits of  scrap paper as shown above.
4. Continue doing step 1 to 3 until you have something like this below... TA-DAH!  a pocket garden in a concrete jungle!

Well, OK, so, you want a more "fabulous" recycled pot for your garden? Then, try this:
