Butterflies & large flowers, bouquet, pins, stage decor

 Flowers for the stage...

 Small butterflies and flowers for the pins/corsage.

 The finished corsages.
The bulk of corsage.
When work colleague and good friend Giefil Regis requested I provide upcycled bouquets, pins, and decor for his Modelizta show, I was not aware it would be his final bow. While I was glad and did my best to create the above for him, and not for anything else, I am simply sadenned that the world lost someone like him. Gief hopes to help a lot of people, especially the poor, achieve their potential. I am glad I was a part of his circle, his life, his friendship, and achievement of his dreams. Have a pleasant journey and I hope you peace & joy still, Gief.


iStar-Tariray said…
Love it! Very Creative :)