Upcycled Exploding Gift Boxes

As I browse through for more project inspirations, I came across Elaine's Magic Boxes. She makes exquisite boxes that are just lovely. Inspired by her beautiful boxes, I made up my own, simpler exploding gift boxes all from upcycled materials which I hope could be sold to my shop soon! 
Here, I used recycled boxes, those sturdy plastic packaging that conform to the product for securing the butterflies, and die-cut magazine / catalog pages for butterflies. I stamped the box and the recycled paper I wrapped it with, and there you go! 

I am focused on recycling packaging boards and paper because I have a thing for conserving our trees. Learn why here.

Happy upcycling!


rreburiano said…
Hi Ms. Margaret, I've contacted the National Solid Waste Management Commission as we'd like to invite you to exhibit your book at the Asian Development Bank. Could you please contact me via e-mail at rreburiano.consultant@adb.org? Thank you.